Travel Routes

There is so much beauty in the world.  So much life, so much to learn, so much to take in. We’ve gotten too accustomed to thinking about life in terms of our day to day stresses, while the wonder and humanity of the rest of the world comes to us only in fragments –travel ads, spotty media coverage on disasters, stereotypical images of faraway ‘Others’ that serve to reaffirm our own modernity and technological ‘superiority’.

There is more, there are alternatives.
There is so much to learn from getting out of your comfort zone and immersing yourself in the different ways of life found around the world.  Traveling allows you to experience very different ways of relating to those around you, and very different ways of thinking about and using the resources you have.  Don’t sit back and let only what you see and hear about shape your perceptions of this planet and of what a human life should be.

“Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart, give yourself to it.”-Buddha






Costa Rica



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