Worthy Causes

FoodShare: An organization that addresses hunger and food security in Toronto by focusing on the entire process of food production and consumption: ‘from field to table’.  FoodShare provides fresh, healthy, local organic food at affordable prices for communities across Toronto, especially communities in need.

No One Is Illegal: An organization that fights discriminatory border policies that exploit and mistreat migrants.  The group brings wider attention to the situation of refugees, and fights colonialism, displacement and abuse of migrants.

350.org:  A global movement to address issues of climate change and to educate the public on the necessity of switching to green energy alternatives.  Movements against fossil fuels in the USA, the Keystone XL pipeline, and a ‘global power shift’  are some key campaigns.

LeadnowAn organization that educates and brings Canadians together to protect the environment, democracy and equality.

Democracy Now!:  An independent daily news program that offers insights and opinions rarely heard in mainstream corporate-sponsored U.S. media.  Independent and international journalists, people around the world affected by foreign policy, grassroots organizations, peace activists, and academics all contribute to this alternative news media site.

Grist:  Environmental news and commentary on global issues with a wonderful sense of humour.  Grist takes on serious issues skillfully, while not taking themselves too seriously.  A brilliant site.

Centre for Social Justice:  The Centre for Social Justice works in partnership with various social movements to strengthen the struggle for social justice, narrow the gap in income, wealth and power, and enhance peace, security, and equality.  Although they are based in Ontario, the centre’s work often takes place all across Canada.

Stop The Cuts TorontoA group working to stop Mayor Ford’s cuts to social services in Toronto.

Idle No More:  A movement that demands the responsibility of the Canadian government to the people and to their treaty commitments, and fights against omnibus legislation like Bill C-45 that expedites the sale of reserve lands without consultation and removes protection of waterways.  This movement is led by First Nations groups and youth across Canada.

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